Friday, June 1, 2007

Week 1, Thing 2 - Lifelong Learning 7 1/2 Habits

The easiest habit for me is #2 Accept responsibility for your own learning. I like to rely on myself.

The hardest habit is #6 Use technology to your advantage. Somehow I have a mindblock when it comes to technology.

1 comment:

bma said...

After listening to the the 7 1/2 Habits, and Printing our my Learning Contract, I have to begin to think about what I want to learn. Here I was signing on for these 23 Things because I need to learn it all ! Hopefully, by dabbling in some of this new technology, I will be encouraged to try out other new things. I realize I need to have a passing knowledge of this technology, because patrons ask about things every day. I would like to answer intelligently. I see Spanish speaking patrons come into the library, and just a few weeks later, they're speaking English! Why can't I learn to speak Spanish, I think. Before completing my Learning Contract, I want to glance through all of the 23 Things in case I want to choose one thing. Otherwise, it's going to be everything!